Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hues of a Dry November

Santa Cruz Mountains

yellow coreopsis with green spotted bug

Autumn rain nourishes the garden. But lack of autumn rain prolongs blossoming, as plants make more seeds. This coreopsis blooms nearly year round in fair weather.

orange calendulas in bud, blossom, and seedpod stages

The flashback calendula is ever in the process of becoming: unfolding, blossoming, fading after fertilization, then drying and releasing its seedpods for future generations. 

faded pink daisy mums

Daisy mums are strictly autumn bloomers. Beginning as white flowers in October, by November their blossoms turn pink, floppy, and enticing to hungry insects seeking shelter.

bright magenta cosmos with dried blossoms and seed heads

Cosmos love dry conditions and produce thousands of seeds during a single season, while providing homes for the odd caterpillar. Next year these self-seeding beauties will be back.

purple fuzzy Mexican sage with bee

Delightfully fuzzy Mexican sage thrives in dry conditions. It’s the favorite of both bees and hummingbirds, despite a fragrance that’s slightly off-putting to most humans.

3 bright red, slightly floppy rose blossoms

The classic garden rose ignores the cold as long as it’s mostly dry. These beauties can bloom long into December before becoming dormant rosehip-covered shrubs. 

yellow plum leaves with small green and red spots

Wild plums spring up everywhere in the Santa Cruz mountains. Every autumn they turn a different hue, depending upon the rain pattern. Dry weather gives us yellows.

bright red berry clusters on tree with yellow and green leaves

This unknown tree is beautiful during all seasons of the year. Its lush summer flowers have become red berries, as its multicolor leaves paint an ode to autumn. Please comment below if you know its name. Thanks!

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